Foto by Carlos Barros
Eliën, eine niederländische Sängerin und Künstlerin, und Jorge da Rocha, ein portugiesischer Musiker und Produzent, präsentieren sich in einem einzigartigen Konzert. Es ist ein ganz besonderer Abend, eine Art 2-in-1, bei dem sie ihre Musik gemeinsam und getrennt erkunden - originell, feinfühlig und kraftvoll zugleich. Beide Künstler:innen haben ihre Projekte bereits mehrfach rund um den Globus aufgeführt, und nun kommen sie in einer ganz besonderen musikalischen Symbiose zusammen.
Eliën, a Dutch singer and artist, and Jorge da Rocha, a Portuguese musician and producer, present themselves in a unique concert. It's a very special night, a sort of 2-in-1 where they explore their music together and separately—original, delicate, and powerful all at once. Both artists have performed their projects multiple times around the globe, and now they come together in a very special musical symbiosis.
Jorge da Rocha (Portugal), Multi-instrumentalist solo Artist
Jorge da Rocha is an artist difficult to classify within a specific genre. Somewhere between alternative pop and experimental music, with evident influences from folk, jazz, and indie, he finds his inspiration. Jorge is mainly known for the way he explores the double bass, combining it with vocals, electric guitar, and live looping. His voice and instrumental versatility transport the audience through a variety of emotional landscapes. Dreamlike, melodic, and raw.
Eliën (The Netherlands)
Eliën is an alternative singer-songwriter and artist based in the Netherlands. In 2019 she first came into view while writing her album during a road-trip through Europe. Her dreamy synths, polyphonic vocal-drifts and downtempo grooves take people on a journey through the depths of her mind. In her art Eliën uses film, music, movement and live performance to create multiple dimensions. Together with a diverse team of creatives she is sourcing inspiration from visionaries such as Bon Iver and Lana del Rey whilst following her own multidisciplinary path; poetic, pure and vivid. In January Eliën opened her showcase year with a special 'van' concert as part of the official selection of Eurosonic 2023. Besides that, Eliën performed at Grasnapolsky, Booster Festival (NL), Westway Lab, Musicbox (PT) , Silent Move (D), Fekete Zaj (HU), Viva Sounds, Future Echoes (SE), Klub Stodola (PL) and made it into the TOP 30 of ‘De Grote Prijs van Nederland’ 2023.
Eliën - Levitation (live record):
Eliën - Things to Remember (official music video):
Eliën | Spotify:
Eliën (@elien.official) Instagram:
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